General information about Caracas Simon Bolivar International Airport
Major international airport in Venezuela serving the capital of the country
Local time GMT (winter/summer): -4:30/-4:30
Geographic coordinates:: Latitude (10.6), Longitude (-66.99)
See airport on the Google Maps
Location: 22 km (14 miles) north of Caracas
Number of terminals: 1
IATA code: CCS
Postal address: Sub-Direccion de Aviacion Civil del Litoral, P.O.Box 3445, Caracas, Venezuela
Office phone number: +58 212 355 122 7
Flight information: +58 212 282 100
Fax: +58 212 285 161
Based airlines: Aeropostal – Alas de Venezuela, Aserca Airlines , Conviasa, Estelar Latinoamerica, Laser, Linea Turistica Aereotuy, Rutaca Airlines, SBA Airlines, Venezolana
Last update date: 8 september 2015