General information about Trivandrum International Airport
International airport serving Thiruvananthapuram and Kovalam beach resort
Local time GMT (winter/summer): +5:30/+5:30
Geographic coordinates:: Latitude (8.48), Longitude (76.92)
See airport on the Google Maps
Location: 10 km (6 miles) west of the dontown of Thiruvananthapuram and 16 km (10 miles) from Kovalam beach
Number of terminals: 3
IATA code: TRV
Postal address: Airports Authority, of India, International Airports Division, Trivandrum 695 008, Kerala State, India
Office phone number: +91 471 500 283
Flight information: +91 471 502 323
Fax: +91 471 500 428
Last update date: 6 june 2017