General information about Washington Dulles International Airport
Primary international airport serving the capital city of the USA
Local time GMT (winter/summer): -5/-4
Geographic coordinates:: Latitude (38.95), Longitude (-77.46)
See airport on the Google Maps
Location: 42 km (26 miles) west of Washington
Number of terminals: 1
IATA code: IAD
Postal address: P.O. Box 17045 Washington, Distridtof Columbia 20041,United States
Office phone number: +1 703 572 27 00
Flight information: +1 703 572 27 00
Fax: +1 703 572 60 17
Based airlines: Colgan Air, GoJet Airlines, Mesa Airlines, Republic Airlines, Silver Airways, Southern Airways Express, Trans States Airlines, United Airlines
Last update date: 6 january 2014