General information about Atlantic City International Airport
International airport of the resort town of Atlantic City on the Atlantic coast of the USA
Airport opening year: 1958
Local time GMT (winter/summer): -5/-4
Geographic coordinates:: Latitude (39.46), Longitude (-74.58)
See airport on the Google Maps
Location: 16 km (10 miles) northwest of Atlantic City, New Jersey
Number of terminals: 1
IATA code: ACY
Social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, Twitter
Postal address: 101 Atlantic City Intl Airport, Suite 106, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234, USA
Office phone number: +1 609 641 3833
Flight information: +1 609 645 7895
E-mail: feedback form
Based airlines: GlobalX - Global Crossing Airlines
Last update date: 6 may 2021