General information about Seoul Incheon International Airport
Largest airport in South Korea serving the capital city of the country
Airport opening year: 2001
Local time GMT (winter/summer): +9/+10
Geographic coordinates:: Latitude (37.47), Longitude (126.45)
See airport on the Google Maps
Location: 70 km (43 miles) west of the city of Seoul
Number of terminals: 1
IATA code: ICN
Postal address: 272 Gonghang-ro, Jung-gu, Incheon, South Korea Postal Code: 400-700
Office phone number: +82 32 741 01 04
Flight information: +82 15 772 60 0
Fax: +82 32 741 24 00
Based airlines: Air Premia, Asiana Airlines, Eastar Jet, Jeju Air, Jin Air, Korean Air, T'way Air
Last update date: 5 december 2018